Accident Insurance
Our sport ist one of the most beautiful ones but unfortunately not free of risks. Even if there are many sports that make you to take matchable risks, the average insurance companies refuse to make contracts with racers / in case of race accidents. In most of the usual contracts there's a phrase "not paying on events that aim on achieving maximum speed..." or similar phrases.
For normal sports pilots it is difficult to find an insurance that covers the risks on track. Even then, mostly the rates are premium as well as the insurances specialized. actionbike has decided to make it possible for our customers to offer you daily accident insurance contracts designed perfectly for you.
This insurance covers the participation in qualifying as well as races. The insurance covers driving on track, not driving in the paddock. The insurance fee is 20€ per day incl. tax and must be selected during the online registration.
This insurance is not a requirement to participate on an event.
Insurance conditions can be downloaded here.